Give us feedback.
Papernook provides professional Arts Therapy services to individuals, families, groups and in other formats. We aim to ensure your experience and interaction with our service is of the highest quality. In Arts Therapy, we support clients on their path to better health and wellbeing and to reach therapeutic goals. At any point, and providing you are a client, contact or other stakeholder, you may wish to provide us feedback about services received and/or regarding the nature of your engagement and experience with Papernook Arts Therapy & Wellness.
We welcome feedback of all kinds, including:
Please note: we take all complaints seriously. These are responded to as soon as reasonably possible or within 48 hours of being received. We aim to resolve any issue or concern raised, by either rectifying or reaching a mutually agreeable outcome. If you are unsatisfied with the outcome, you can escalate this by making an online complaint with the Office of Health Ombudsman.
Compliments and testimonials are welcomed and help by letting us know what is working well. However, please be aware that these are kept on file and remain private and unpublicised due to Arts Therapy being a health service. This means we are required to ensure and protect client confidentiality by law. If you have received a great service and want to show your support, the best way to do this is by telling others about Papernook via word of mouth. In the instance of sharing success stories and/or any related photo(s), these will always be de-identified accordingly and will have received prior consent from all relevant parties. Refer to the ANZACATA Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.
We welcome feedback of all kinds, including:
- Compliment or general feedback
- Business Testimonial
- Suggestions for improvement
- Complaint
- Other general information that would help our service better meet the needs of all people
Please note: we take all complaints seriously. These are responded to as soon as reasonably possible or within 48 hours of being received. We aim to resolve any issue or concern raised, by either rectifying or reaching a mutually agreeable outcome. If you are unsatisfied with the outcome, you can escalate this by making an online complaint with the Office of Health Ombudsman.
Compliments and testimonials are welcomed and help by letting us know what is working well. However, please be aware that these are kept on file and remain private and unpublicised due to Arts Therapy being a health service. This means we are required to ensure and protect client confidentiality by law. If you have received a great service and want to show your support, the best way to do this is by telling others about Papernook via word of mouth. In the instance of sharing success stories and/or any related photo(s), these will always be de-identified accordingly and will have received prior consent from all relevant parties. Refer to the ANZACATA Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.